Industries that dispose of water with organic contamination are diverse. Among them are included the
food & beverages, the pharmaceutical, and the cosmetics & beauty products industries. As such, the contamination to treat
can also be quite varied.
A characteristic that all these industries have in common is that their wastewater contains high concentrations of organic contaminants. Thus, an anaerobic procedure is the most adequate solution to treat them.
Sucrocentro designs every process so it adjusts to the specific properties of the effluent of each factory, as well as to the quality requirements of treated water quality that should be obtained.
The following link leads to a photo-gallery of the HidroPur Anaerobic System installed at the Lácteos San José dairy products factory, to
decontaminate water polluted with dairy derived organic matter (external link to Youtube):
The incoming water stream frequently tends to displace its pH either towards an acidic range or to a basic one. It is essential to have a strict control of this fluctuation during the treatment process, since the optimal functioning of the biological reactor depends on having a normalized pH. Besides, the control of this parameter allows for adjustments in the characteristics of the water flowing out of the process, according to the desired effluent properties of each factory. Additionally, the generation of exploitable bio-gas in the treatment plant is a function of the pH control.
Given the fact that this sort of water does not contain fecal matter, the treated effluent allows for the possibility to recycle it for certain activities inside the factory's premises.
Depending on the required decontamination efficiency, it is possible to complement the primary anaerobic process with a secondary aerobic process. In some cases, such as when there exists harmful organic contamination for the reactor's micro-organisms, it might be convenient to install a physical-chemical process as a pre-treatment. The three technologies can actually be combined to achieve an effluent with a very high level of purity.