Absolutely no septic tank solves in a satisfactory manner the needs of their users, whether it is seen from a health, hygiene, or environmental point of view. Their decontaminating capability produces results that are far below most environmental norms, and their construction is susceptible to damage and corrosion, resulting in unpleasant incidents.
The HidroPur SEPTIC CABAL System renders septic tanks absolutely obsolete. It is a treatment procedure with a patent pending, whose design allows treated water to exceed quality requirements of any country in regards to fecal mass and micro-organism concentration and in regards to the quantity and handling of residual slurries.
The following links present various certifications obtained by the CABAL System on behalf of the National Aqueduct and Sewer Administration of El Salvador (ANDA), El Salvador's Ministry of Public Health, and from the International NGO ISCOS-CISL:
Our septic systems, constructed completely out of polymeric materials, are not subjected to corrosion or fundamental structural damages. Furthermore, our procedure is completely hermetic; no odors are perceived in the surrounding area of each installation.
Additionally, the operational and maintenance activities performed by the user are completely hygienic, not
unpleasant, safe, and above all, simple. Each system counts with all the appropriate mechanisms to enable
its maintenance, which is infrequent. A family does not need to break out of its routine to maintain the system.
In fact, the treated effluent is perfect for recycling as a subterraneous irrigation system for gardens in the surrounding area of the user's house. It can also be disposed of in a safe manner in absorption wells or in water body such as rivers, brooks, etc.
Another attractive benefit of the CABAL System is its economy. The cost of each installed system is similar to that of a septic tank. No external contractors are required for its maintenance or slurry removal, and it does not require electricity to function.
The HidroPur SEPTIC CABAL System has been installed in an ample number of exclusive residential houses as well as in other houses of various economic levels. It has also been installed on various restaurants, factories, offices, hotels and recreational areas. The CABAL System has enjoyed great success in El Salvador, and it has started to garner interest in the neighboring Central American countries. Below we present a long list of customers satisfied with the System, as well as a 3D diagram of a typical installation:
Manuals for the use of the HidroPur SEPTIC CABAL System (only available in spanish for now):
The CABAL Macro System utilizes the same proven technology of the family version, but its scale is far grander, to be able to cover the needs
of large scale installations, such as apartment complexes, large factories, prison buildings, recreational areas, etc.
The System presents the major advantage of being able to be installed in a modular fashion, constructing it out of concrete or with plastic or metallic tanks. Such an arrangement allows for the System to treat a particular volume of water, with the possibility of expanding its capability as the demand and number of users increase. When the volume per day of influent exceeds 40-50 cubic meters, it becomes convenient, due to costs and operational reasons, to construct the System out of concrete.
The primary anaerobic procedure can be complemented with a physical-chemical pre-treatment and with an aerobic decontamination process afterwards, with the objective of improving the quality of the resulting effluent, so it leaves the treatment facility in a much more pristine state and with even lower BOD and COD values. Options on how to install these three processes will depend on the specific requirements of each particular water decontamination case.
Also, it is possible to complement CABAL Macro System with additional purification equipment, such as
activated carbon units, chlorination, and UV light units, depending on the requirements of the outgoing water stream.
The HidroPur SEPTIC CABAL Macro System has been successfully implemented in factories, correctional facilities, and even
zoos, since it also provides the ability to treat animal waste of any kind. In the following links we present a certification provided by
Simán Constructora de El Salvador (a large construction company) on our System, installed for the Izalco Correctional Facility (combined in this case
with an aerobic treatment system). Also following is a certification on behalf of Garbal, a company that recycles plastic to produce boots for industrial
and agricultural use, as well as photo-galleries of said systems plus the one installed for the Jayaque Zoo.
An additional advantage offered by the CABAL Macro System is that the bio-gas produced in the decontamination process can also be exploited as fuel for a given application.